Apr 12, 20231 min read
Don't Stop the Movement
We wriggle, walk, flip, fidget, squirm, shift, tumble, twist, mill, and move... and it can annoy others around us - I mean significantly...

Mar 8, 20232 min read
Straight Line vs. Squiggle
Being the parent of a child with ADHD is like a straight line trying to raise a squiggle.
Jan 5, 20222 min read
Do your resolutions set you up to succeed?
Are your resolutions setting you up for success? Don't ditch them, refine them.

Jun 4, 20213 min read
Eating Elephants
You know what it is like when a thing is so big that you curl up into a ball in the closet under the dirty clothes and hope it will go away?

Feb 16, 20214 min read
I am not a straight line.
I am neurodiverse, and I have a lot to offer. I don't know what that is - yet. But, I intend to find out.

Nov 28, 20178 min read
#AlwaysKeepFighting ~ My story about struggling with suicide (a reposting from 8/4/2015)
Hello to all the fighters out there: “I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m going.” 86 year old Alzheimer’s patient said with a smile....

Aug 27, 20173 min read
Puppies for World Peace – a Proposal
I brought our new puppy Stella with me, and as we sat and drank our coffee, the most interesting phenomena began to occur.

Jul 3, 20173 min read
Freedom on My 50th Birthday!
I am the epitome of the great American mutt – the result of the once great concept of the Melting Pot. This is me on my 50th birthday.

Dec 26, 20165 min read
Family has nothing to do with blood
Family – Kin – Relatives – Tribe – Folk – Fellowship- Mates – Clan When you look up synonyms for family, these are but a few of the words...

Oct 16, 20163 min read
The Soundtrack to My Life
My life has a soundtrack…doesn’t everyone’s? I mean sure we all have songs that resonate with us in those dark and lonely moments?

Aug 28, 20155 min read
I’m living with a cartoon – and no, I don’t mean my husband.
As August rounds itself out, I have been thinking about the last twelve months. The past year has been the most difficult we have ever...

Jun 12, 20154 min read
The 27th Year: Ramblings of a Married Woman
Today is my 27th Wedding Anniversary! Yep – 27. No really…we were married 27 years ago…wait, is that right? June 12, 1988…subtract...
Jun 10, 20152 min read
When life gives you lemons….pucker up.
So it’s been awhile since I’ve been here. (It seems I have a firm grasp on the obvious – that’s a good sign.) However, it’s the why it’s...

Nov 3, 20144 min read
Lessons I learned while waiting on tables.
I started in the food service industry when I was 15, baking bread for a Greek catering service in the heat of a New Jersey summer. In...

Oct 26, 20145 min read
My subconscious wants to tell me something – but I’m not sure I want to hear what it has
I dream in full Technicolor, surround sound, 3D, sometimes animated, with full sensory input. I don’t know why (although maybe being a...

Oct 20, 20145 min read
An explanation of my obsession with all things sharp and pointy.
Over the years I have developed a passion for very sharp things. I don't think it's an unhealthy passion - although my friends and...

Oct 10, 20145 min read
I am a Rube Goldberg device.
In my search for a new way to pay the bills, I have found myself applying for some very interesting positions and in some very...

Sep 30, 20146 min read
Sometimes the most amazing things happen when you are lost in the Alps.
In late June, early July of 2005, I had the amazing opportunity to spend time driving through France and Italy. (As long as the driving...

Sep 26, 20143 min read
Wishing doesn’t make it so – or – I am an intelligent person.
Last April I found myself coughing and struggling to breath. I kept thinking it was just a cold and I could wait it out. Eventually, I...

Sep 22, 20144 min read
I believe that auto-flush toilets will be the downfall of civilization.
Above is the Numi® Comfort Height® Intelligent Elongated Dual-Flush Chair Height Toilet With Premium Remote $13,000.00 for your home. You...